
Welcome to this site, Evolving Beauty, a place for enjoyable learning about the wondrous Earth Community.  Here, we try to feature projects for children (aged 4 to 12 approx.) that blend art with science so that learning about the world of nature (including ourselves!) can be integrated harmoniously with the marvelous human capacities for empathy, creation, and understanding.  Our goal is to sustain youngsters’ access to their inborn potentials of heart, hands, and head even as they are becoming better acquainted with the best science regarding life on the planet.  We are striving to enhance young people’s abilities to devise ingenious, well-informed, and socially beneficial responses to the many challenges of our times.

At this location, you’ll find activities, games, and art projects designed to accompany children’s explorations of ecosystems here in the temperate  forestlands of eastern North America.  At this point (Feb. 2023), we continue to gradually upload projects to the website.  Eventually, we hope that you’ll find quite an assortment here.  Some will engage broad topics such as energy flow, cycles, evolution, biodiversity, systems, or competition and cooperation within and among species.  Others are more closely focused around particular species, including human Interactions within this realm – especially, organic farming and gardening (at home or at school), and the Native American heritage of this Lower Merrimack River Valley region.  All are presented in formats that attempt to encourage the prosocial, affiliative intuitions of young people, their zest for life, their quest for wisdom, and their willingness to contribute uniquely and joyfully towards the common good.